Welcome to the
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Education Foundation

Promoting optimal sexual health outcomes for all peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand.
E whakatairanga ana i ngā putanga hauora onioni papai mō ngā iwi katoa o Aotearoa. 


Herpes New Zealand
Just the Facts
Human Papilloma Virus New Zealand

Learn more about our mission to educate people in Aotearoa New Zealand about sexually transmitted infections.

We provide up-to-date patient pamphlets on HPV and herpes. These can be viewed online or ordered to be posted out for free.

Check out our latest campaigns and press coverage. You can also use the form below to sign up to our quarterly newsletter.

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Sexual Health & Related Organisations


New Zealand Sexual Health Society
Head and Neck Cancer Foundation Aotearoa
Village Collective
Burnett Foundation Aotearoa
Hepatitis Foundation
Rainbow Youth
Family Planning
What our users say about us...

"I would like to convey my sincere thanks to the author of the wevbsite: Herpes.org.nz. I have recently been diagnosed with herpes and it has been a huge shock and totally devastated me. After reading your website I feel like I can be in control. Thank you." 

– Anonymous

"I am a woman just diagnosed with HSV2. There are no resourses available in my own country that I have been able to find. Even my own Dr. was unable to give me any information and suggested American Websites that only seem to cater to the American Pharmaceutical companies. I have been out of my mind with depression and have no one to turn to. I am in a committed happy marriage of 4 years. I haven't been unable to answer any of my own questions, let alone his. This website has been very helpful I truly owe my sanity to the Author. Thank you!"

– Anonymous

"I'm a general practitioner living in Victoria and was recently diagnosed with HSV2. 

I want to say thank you for writing such informative, accurate, and confident material on your website. I am about to tell a prospective new partner about my diagnosis (first time having this conversation!) and the tone of the articles is so strongly anti-stigma, as well as logical, that I feel much more confident in myself.

So, thank you for the work that you do."

– Anonymous

"Your website is the most helpful and well worded herpes website I have ever seen. I have been worrying endlessly about little things that as it turns out I shouldn't worry about at all. Seriously from the bottom of my heart I can't thank you enough. Keep up the great work!"

– Anonymous

"I just rang and spoke with a nurse on the phone number advertised on the website.

This was life changing for me as the doubts I had were answered by her and have saved my marriage..NOT an understatement!  She was very understanding and I really appreciated being able to talk to someone qualified. Thank you so much :)"

Kind regards – Anonymous

"The information and support that you gave me was extremely helpful and comforting. Not only that but you also informed  me that my Dr's  had prescribed me the wrong medication.

I feel very fortunate to have such a service in NZ as HSV is a virus that is commonly not talked about. I am sure many people as well as myself would commend your website and helpline many times over."

– Anonymous

"First and foremost I want to just thank you. I was recently diagnosed with genital HSV1 and my doctor provided little guidance and even less answers to my overwhelming questions. I left from speaking with her in tears because the most common answer I received was to Google it or that they can't tell because it is unethical to do studies. Stumbling upon your page not only has answered most of my questions, but has made me feel better about the diagnosis and like less of an outcast. There is such a stigma with genital herpes and as I have been learning more I couldn't help but be a little angered that just the location of your infection can change how others look at you. When I read on your page "One is considered to be a nuisance, the other is associated with a degree of stigma. This is unhelpful and both should be considered as a 'manageable nuisance'" I felt understood in my thinking and for the first time that things would be okay and that once the dust has settled life will go back to normal.

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the website facts sheet! It completely changed my life, my thoughts and my circumstance! God Bless You!"

– Anonymous