Our Strategic Agenda

Tā mātou kaupapa rautaki

Purpose / Pūtake

Promoting optimal sexual health outcomes for all peoples in Aotearoa New Zealand.

E whakatairanga ana i ngā putanga hauora onioni papai mō ngā iwi katoa o Aotearoa. 


Key strategies and success measures / Ngā rautaki matua me ngā whakaine whakatutukitanga

Promoting and facilitating best practice in clinical diagnosis and management of STIs, including genital HPV and genital herpes

Continued access to STIEF resources by health care providers, demonstrated by service usage demographics and clinician feedback, confirm that medical care for people affected by STIs is delivered by clinicians who are accessing best practice guidelines, educational material and effective support services.

Supporting and educating people affected by STIs including herpes and/or HPV to mitigate and reduce the physical and psychological morbidity these infections can cause

Continued access to STIEF resources by consumers, demonstrated by service usage demographics and consumer feedback, confirm that people affected by STIs have access to effective support services and educational material.

Addressing the public attitude towards STIs and educating the public regarding prevalence, transmission and prevention to reduce stigma and optimise public awareness

Publication of media articles, and roll out of public awareness campaigns, dispelling STI myths. Continued access to STIEF resources, demonstrated by service usage demographics and consumer feedback, confirm that the general public has access to accurate information regarding STI prevalence, transmission and prevention.

Defining and promoting research priorities in the context of genital HPV, genital herpes and all STIs

Connections between sexual health and allied professionals to develop and contribute to research projects are facilitated by STIEF, and research findings disseminated via STIEF News and websites.

Ensuring that strategic policy-making on sexual health is informed by clear information about evolving issues concerning genital HPV, genital herpes and STIs

Sexual health policy-makers have access to key information to guide policy development, to ensure equitable access to sustainable sexual health services, is demonstrated by consultation with STIEF Board and/or PAG Members and facilitated by access to relevant research.